Making Compiler Design Relevant for Students
Hello, I will give my opinion about the article titled: “Making Compiler Design Relevant for Students who will (Most Likely) Never Design a Compiler” by Saumya Debray, it is an interesting article that it mainly highlights the importance of the knowledge that many students can acquire during their studies in a compiler design course, this article open my mind in order to think out of the box.
Compilers, what is that?
In computer science, the compiler is a very powerfull tool that in a general idea it translates our vocabulary and it translates these through 5 main processes in order to generate the Machine Language so the computer can understand these statements, imagnie if there is no existence of compiler, if you write a statement in a programming language it will be impossible for the computer to understand this because, strictly, the compute only understand Machine Language, furthermore, the process in order to create a programming languages needs a compiler in order to translate their statements to Machine Statements.
As the article says, we need to think out of the box, compilers or translators are very powerful for programming languages, but also there is a lot of implementations that you can do with the knowledge of these algorithms and concepts, the article gives some examples which mainly explain that one area of opportunity is the problem of translating 'things' that are not programming languages, like transforming a definition that is in text to an elegant diagram that represents that definition, and one common example in a daily life is translators that made our life easier, in conclusion, the answer is to always think out of the box, having this in mind in a course of compiler design will make the difference.

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