Mother of Compilers
Who is Grace Hopper?
Hi, this time I will discuss a revolutionary woman in the computer science area, Rear Admiral Dr. Grace Brewster Murray Hopper (a.k.a. “Amazing Grace”) is a key person in the computer science area, and this is because not only she was one of the first computer programmers in history, but also she is considered as the "Mother of compilers" and this is because she created the first compiler ever!! This is admirable because if you don't know, making a compiler requires a lot of hard work, now imagine to make a compiler without a compiler to compile it, that is even worse and this woman did the job.
Now, let's think a second, do you know why do programming languages have something similar to the English language? Well, Hooper is the reason for it, and this is because she developed FLOW-MATIC and this is the first English-like data processing language, at this moment you may notice that this programming language is the key for programming languages, and this is because as I said, is the first English-like data processing language (meaning that there is a compiler that translates the instructions of the english syntax to machine language) and COBOL was influenced by this programming language, and, obviously it was "easier" to make a compiler for another programming language using the compiler that Hopper did, so the 'root' of the tree of programming languages is the compiler created by Hooper and thanks to that, many programming languages have been created, as I said, this woman did a great job because it did change the vision of developers and it is admirable her intelectual capacity because she did participate in a lot of projects at a very advanced age, without any doubts, she is a person that we are going to remember for many years.

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